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  • How do I arm and disarm AUTHOR IGLA?

    To disarm your AUTHOR IGLA, follow these steps:

    • Turn on the ignition/start the engine. This depends on the AUTHOR IGLA settings.
    • Get authorized. Enter your authorization PIN using the standard buttons or use a paired keyfob or smartphone. *

    AUTHOR IGLA will confirm disarming by flashing the standard symbol on the dashboard twice.

    You can now start driving.

    Arming occurs automatically in 10 seconds after the ignition is turned off.

    *The ability to get authorized via a keyfob or smartphone will depend on the model and configuration of your AUTHOR IGLA.
  • How do I disarm AUTHOR IGLA if my keyfobs are lost?

    If you do not have the keyfob handy, simply use the PIN code to get authorized.

    If you forgot both the keyfob and the PIN, use your personal owner card (included in the AUTHOR IGLA kit) to void and reset the PIN.

  • What should I do if I forget my PIN code?

    If you forget your PIN code, use your personal owner card to reset it.

  • How do I temporarily disable my AUTHOR IGLA when leaving the car at service maintenance?

    You can temporarily turn off the device by using the Service mode (ideal for maintenance) or Transport mode (ideal for long-term shutdown) features. In these modes, all anti-theft and additional features are deactivated.

  • What should I do if strangers get hold of my keyfobs or find out my PIN code?

    If the keyfobs fall into the wrong hands, unpair them from AUTHOR IGLA using the Unpair Keyfobs procedure described in the manual.

    If your PIN code is discovered by others, follow the manual to reset it.

  • What should I do if my personal owner card is lost?

    It is important to safeguard your personal owner card. If lost, the card will not be recoverable. We recommend that you make a backup copy of the information on the card (for example, take a photo, write it down, and keep it in a safe place) and store it with your frequently used documents, such as a passport or car paperwork.

  • Where is the best place to store/wear my IGLA keyfob?

    The best solution would be to carry the keyfob with you, for example, together with your ID. It is not recommended to attach the keyfob to your car keys or place it in your bag to avoid disabling the security system in case you lose your keys or your bag.

  • How often should the keyfob battery be changed? What should I do if it runs out of charge?

    AUTHOR IGLA uses a special Bluetooth keyfob with a motion sensor. While the keyfob is stationary, energy consumption is minimal. Thanks to this, the keyfob can operate up to 9-12 months on a single battery charge. If the battery is dead or you have lost your keyfob, simply enter the PIN code to get authorized.

  • How do I start the engine if IGLA stops working?

    If AUTHOR IGLA is not working (for example, due to a power failure or mechanical breakdown), it will not prevent the engine from starting and running as it will not be able to send commands over the vehicle’s digital data bus.

  • What should I do if IGLA does not accept my PIN?

    Make sure you turn the ignition fully on, and not just the accessories. Wait a few seconds after turning on the ignition, and do not enter the PIN code too rapidly. The PIN code may also not be accepted if the vehicle’s standard equipment malfunctions. In this case, use your personal owner card to change the PIN code.

  • What should I do if AUTHOR Connect says No Connection?

    Lack of communication may be due to a weak GSM signal in the area where the car is parked or insufficient balance of the GSM module SIM card. It is recommended to check your SIM card balance regularly, and keep it topped up. You can look up the SIM card balance on the main screen of the AUTHOR Connect app or by sending an SMS query.

  • What should I do if the ignition fails to turn on?

    You can pair up to two smartphones (iOS/Android) to AUTHOR IGLA. To do this, follow these steps:

    • Install the Author ID app on your smartphone.
    • Switch AUTHOR IGLA to the PIN Change mode and push the service button once.
    • In the Author ID app, click the + button and enter the Bluetooth pairing code indicated on your personal owner card.

    Repeat this procedure to pair a second smartphone.

    If you need to pair another smartphone to AUTHOR IGLA that already has two smartphones paired to it, you must first remove previously paired smartphones from its memory using the Unpair Smartphones procedure.

  • What should I do if the ignition and login are successful, but the car fails to start?

    Try switching AUTHOR IGLA to the Service mode and restarting the car. If the problem persists, contact an authorized service center for diagnosis.

  • What should I do if the ignition and login are successful, but the car fails to start?

    Try switching AUTHOR IGLA to the Service mode and restarting the car. If the problem persists, contact an authorized service center for diagnosis.

  • Why does the car start but stall while driving?

    This may be due to an incorrect login. After starting the engine, make sure that confirmation of your successful login is displayed on the dashboard. If the problem persists, please contact Technical Support.

I plan to purchase AUTHOR IGLA

  • What is IGLA and how does it protect against theft?

    AUTHOR IGLA is a compact digital anti-theft system measuring a mere 57x14x6mm, designed for discreet installation within a car’s standard wiring. It protects the car from theft and carjacking.

    Its record-breaking small dimensions allow you to install AUTHOR IGLA almost anywhere in your vehicle. Installed in an atypical and hard-to-reach place, AUTHOR IGLA will be much more difficult for a thief to detect and disable, safeguarding your car against theft.

    Depending on the vehicle, when set to the Armed mode, AUTHOR IGLA performs the following functions at the software level (via the standard wiring – CAN bus):

    • It prevents the engine from starting or shuts it off upon any driving attempt.
    • It prevents the automatic transmission from shifting.
    • It prevents unauthorized reprogramming of standard keyfobs.
    • In the event of carjacking, it blocks the engine at a safe distance from the seizure site (after approximately 300-500 meters of travel).

    AUTHOR IGLA’s additional features:

    Depending on the vehicle, AUTHOR IGLA also offers a wide range of additional convenient features, such as:

    • Automatically closing the windows, sunroof and folding mirrors after the car is locked with the standard keyfob.
    • Central lock activation once you start driving.
    • Automatically shutting down the standard Stop and GO, i-Stop, and other systems.
    AUTHOR IGLA security:

    It is impossible to guess the PIN code or intercept the AUTHOR IGLA keyfob signal.

    IGLA provides protection against PIN code guessing, while the keyfob is protected by a Bluetooth protocol and 128-bit encryption key.

  • Why should I install AUTHOR IGLA if I already have a standard immobilizer?
    • The standard immobilizer does not always provide sufficient protection against theft, and, in some cases, it can be disabled even without access to the vehicle’s interior.
    • On cars with the Keyless Access feature, the signal from the standard keyfob can be intercepted by a thief, which makes standard security measures inadequate.
    • Theft with a tow truck is rare, and installing AUTHOR IGLA makes it all the more difficult, deterring criminals from theft.
    • Even if theft occurs, the insurance will cover the damage, which makes the installation of AUTHOR IGLA financially sensible.

    IGLA for older vehicles:

    In the current situation, when the risk of theft of older or less popular vehicles has increased significantly, installing AUTHOR IGLA has become indispensable for protecting your vehicle.

    AUTHOR IGLA and alarm:

    AUTHOR IGLA and alarm are two different types of protection. The alarm informs you about an impact on the car, while AUTHOR IGLA prevents theft by blocking the car’s functioning. Installing both systems provides greater protection for your vehicle.

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