
IGLA 3.9.0

IGLA 3.9.0 is a new firmware version for IGLA devices. We have worked hard to streamline internal algorithms and add new features.
What's new?

  • Hands Free (for IGLA ALARM). The feature is designed to arm or disarm car perimeter and shut or open the car's central lock via keyfob or smartphone.
You enable or disable it via:
– Author Flasher 4.1.
– Options Table (34 — feature enabled, 35 — feature disabled).

  • Overspeed Warning The feature is designed to warn the driver about speeding. Once the speed threshold of 77 km / h (by default) reached, 1 service indication signal will follow. The next warning will follow after you reduce speed by 3 km / h (by default) but exceed it again up to this speed threshold.
You can enable / disable the feature and configure parameters via Author Flasher 4.1.

  • Alternative button for external indication control The feature is designed to control external light indication via the car's standard button. You can select any button available for setting a PIN code. After pushing the button twice, 2 signals of external light indication will occur. You can enable / disable the feature via Author Flasher 4.1.

  • Authorization via standard key (for IGLA, IGLA ALARM) The feature is designed for authorization by pushing UNLOCK on the standard key. When this feature is enabled, it is not required to use any keyfob / smartphone paired with the system or enter any PIN code to start the engine and drive. You can enable / disable the feature via Author Flasher 4.1.

  • We have added a feature to disable the alarm signal (for IGLA ALARM) of the siren connected to the CONTOUR module via standard key.
Once the siren triggered, just push LOCK or UNLOCK on the standard key to turn off the siren.

  • We have added a feature to configure the siren control pulse duration (for IGLA ALARM). Author Flasher 4.1 enables you to configure the pulse duration in the range from 5 ms to 1000 ms.

·     We have changed the logic of analog outputs (IGLA, IGLA ALARM).
– The blue wire can be configured to implement blocking in the normally-closed or normally-open mode. The orange wire is now in charge of service indication output.
– The blue wire can be configured to implement blocking in the normally-closed or normally-open mode. The orange-black wire is now in charge of service indication output.
You can configure the logic of outputs via Author Flasher 4.1.

·     We have added a feature to disable autostart and central lock opening when you approach your car with a keyfob / smartphone paired with KEYLESS BLOCK. This feature is available subject to KEYLESS BLOCK+IGLA+AUTOSTART installed.

Here are some more improvements:
– Better algorithm of the Start-Stop Disabling feature.
– LIN outputs can now serve as discrete outputs.
– The COMPASS data exchange protocol can now transmit information about the fuel level and mileage.
2021-12-19 11:52 News