
Did you know that you can connect even more modules to IGLA via the CAN bus — Compass, Keyless Block, Contour, and TOR? How it works

When it comes to installing optional equipment to protect the car against theft or add comfort features, most car owners often prefer rather simple solutions.

As a rule, these are multifunctional all-in-one devices equipped with autostart, immobilizer, alarm, and other features. 

Manufacturers of optional equipment offer various configurations that can boast all kinds of security and comfort features. At first glance, such solutions seem very attractive due to wide functionality at a lower cost, as compared to modular devices.

However, you have to pay for everything. That may cost a pretty penny:
  • When installing the device in standard places, you have to connect a lot of wires, which makes it easy for thieves to find it. 
  • Typically, such systems are not small in size, so it is almost impossible to install them discreetly.
  • If the control unit fails or is found by a thief — there is a high risk of the entire system being disabled.

Another option is a multifunctional modular set whose components interact via wires or radio channel.

However, such systems are not devoid of some drawbacks:
  • It is rather easy to find the wiring laid between system components.
  • Radio communication is unreliable as it may become unstable when the car is parked in a place with high radio interference levels. 

Radio communication also poses some other limitations on installation. Devices must not be shielded by metal parts of the body, so it is rather difficult to install them discreetly.

AUTHOR's technology of modular interaction — CAN Dialog — allows to install modules in different places of the car, so they interact efficiently and provide seamless safety and comfort. Under this concept, the devices interact via the car's standard wiring — the CAN bus. 

The modules form a comprehensive system aimed to strengthen the car's resistance to theft, enhance its functionality, and usability. Meanwhile, they are independent and remain operational even if one of them fails or if it is found and disabled.

Thanks to their modular architecture, IGLA security sets can be tailor-made for each specific car. Optimal security levels are determined individually for each car make and model, given its features and vulnerabilities.

For example, a sole IGLA is not enough to protect Hyundai Solaris efficiently. There are two reasons for this. First, there are not so many places in this car where one can install IGLA discreetly. Typically, it is the underhood space or several places under the dashboard. Second, it is the engine control unit located in the underhood space. A potential thief would often have to replace the unit to steal the car. Therefore, to make it difficult for the thief to find and disable the system and to prevent replacement of the engine control unit, it is important to install an optional electromechanical hood lock managed by IGLA.

Just install the CONTOUR module (managed by IGLA via the CAN bus) in the underhood space and connect the hood lock and optional engine blocking to it. This makes a comprehensive car security system combining both digital and mechanical blocking.

AUTHOR devices operated via the CAN bus offer some extra benefits: 
  • KEYLESS BLOCK protects your car against theft attempted by intercepting the standard key signal.
  • COMPASS monitors your car's location via GSM/GPS, the SIM card balance, temperature in the passenger compartment, and battery power.
  • TOR blocks the engine if IGLA's main blocking is disrupted or troubled.
  • AUTOSTART — a remote engine start system equipped with a digital keyless bypass of the standard key and coupled with comfort features.
  • CONTOUR manages the optional electromechanical hood lock. The device blocks the engine if IGLA's main blocking is disrupted or troubled and it also turns on the siren.
2022-07-27 18:00 News