
New firmware version — IGLA V3.10.0

Dear Users and Partners,

We are delighted to announce the release of a large-scale firmware update — V3.10.0 for:

In this firmware, we have added a lot of new features, such as:
- Support for the new products IGLA M and IGLA Base, which use a new technology of firmware update via the CAN bus — CAN Update.
- Remapping of wires — for flexible configuration of the device's inputs and outputs.
- A new technology — Diagnostic Exchange Blocking.
- Analog management of the central lock.
- Analog management of hazard lights.
- A new feature for IGLA ALARM — Search for a keyfob to disarm the system via the standard key.
- Disabling of digital indication in IGLA ALARM.
- A test signal to the siren when setting the pulse duration via Author Flasher.
- A message sent to Author Connect: "Low keyfob battery" when you get authorized via a keyfob.
- The Hands-Free feature is compatible with AUTOSTART.
- Configurable switching into the Engine Start Inhibit mode.

We have also improved the algorithms of the following features:
- The Service mode is disabled in 15 minutes automatically by default.
- A better compatibility of the Anti-carjacking mode with the standard Start-Stop feature.

We hope that the new features and improvements will make IGLA products easy to install and configure and strengthen your anti-theft protection.

Let us discuss the improvements and new capabilities.

1. CAN Update — firmware update via the CAN bus, plus support for the new products — IGLA M and IGLA Base
Release 3.10.0 offers a unique development that enables you to update firmware directly via the CAN bus. Moreover, the technology allows you to update firmware not only by getting connected to the device's CAN bus directly but also via the car's standard wiring.
The first devices supported by the new technology have been the IGLA M and IGLA Base systems. They are being prepared for release in the near future. We remind you that the new products are not equipped with a Bluetooth module, so this update method would be the only possible one.

2. Diagnostic Exchange Blocking. Another unique technology by AUTHOR!
A bit of history. An anti-theft feature implemented in IGLA systems is Anti Key Programming. This software protection proved to be excellent, preventing any attempts to steal cars via the key programming method. However, due to some technical specifications of cars, the feature may not always be available. That's why we decided to expand the protection even further by introducing the Diagnostic Exchange Blocking feature.


The new feature will prevent a car thief from performing unauthorized diagnostics aimed to:
- Reprogram the car's standard keys.
- Reconfigure electronic units to deactivate the standard immobilizer.
- Open the central lock, windows, or trunk.
- Read diagnostic data to detect the location of analog blockings or, in rare cases, the type of digital blockings.

With this feature enabled, access to diagnostics will be denied once IGLA has switched into the Armed mode. Upon successful authorization and in the Service or Transport modes, access to diagnostics will be allowed.

You can enable or disable the feature via the Options Menu (Items 36 or 37 respectively) or via Author Flasher — Version 4.5 or higher.
By default, Diagnostic Exchange Blocking is disabled.

3. Remapping of wires

This release introduces a flexible logic, so the installer can configure the operation of the device's analog inputs and outputs via Author Flasher.
When the device is connected to Author Flasher, the following is available in the Input/Output Settings menu:
- You can select the device's wire operation as input "+" or output "—" or as LIN (for LIN1 and LIN2).
- You can choose a normally-closed or normally-open logic of wire operation.
- You can select a feature that can be assigned to the device's wire.
Wire re-assignment is already available in the new firmware version and you can use it in Author Flasher 4.6.

4. Analog management of the central lock and hazard lights
These features serve as an alternative to management of the central lock and/or hazard lights via the CAN bus where this is impossible to implement in a digital way.

Any wires used as outputs (blue, orange, LIN1, or LIN2) can be configured as control wires. You can configure output operation via Author Flasher 4.5 or higher.

The Analog Central Lock Management feature supports two control methods:
- Pulse-based management via two wires Every time you try to close or open the central lock, a 600 ms pulse will be applied to a relevant wire.
- Pulse-based management via a single wire Every time you try to close or open the central lock, a 600 ms pulse will be applied to the same wire.
If the wire/wires are configured to manage the central lock, the feature Central Lock Management via CAN will not be available.

The Analog Hazard Lights Management feature supports two control methods:
- Direct management In parallel with the CAN-based management, a 400 ms pulse will be applied to a relevant wire.
- Alternative management (two pulses) In parallel with the CAN-based management, hazard lights will be enabled with a single 150 ms pulse and, 250 ms later, disabled with a 150 ms pulse again.

5. Search for a keyfob to disarm the system via the standard key
With this feature on, IGLA ALARM disarms the car security perimeter only if there is a keyfob/smartphone in its range. This helps prevent any unauthorized access into the passenger compartment, for example, in case of theft of a standard key. It also makes it possible to protect those cars where IGLA cannot detect the standard key status but only detects the status of the key cylinder or any change in the status of the central lock. Hence, some additional authorization will help avoid cases where our system disarms the security perimeter in case of an unauthorized opening of the central lock.

Every time you disarm the system with the standard key, the system will switch into the Door Open Waiting mode. As soon as any door is opened, the keyfob must be detected within a certain time period. If no keyfob is detected, the siren sounds for 30 seconds while the system switches back into the Armed mode.
To disable the Alarm mode and disarm the system, just do any of the following:
- Place the keyfob/smartphone within the system's range.
- Enter an authorization PIN.
- Disarm the system via Author Connect (if COMPASS is installed).
Once the keyfob detected, the siren will produce two short beeps, notifying the user of the successful disarming.

6. Disabling of digital indication in IGLA ALARM
The new release enables you to disable the digital indication via Author Flasher 4.5.

7. The Service mode is disabled in 15 minutes automatically by default
Previously, the Service mode was exited automatically by default in 3 minutes of driving without any stop. The new default parameter is 15 minutes.
You can still enjoy flexible parameter configuration to exit the Service mode automatically via Author Flasher.

8. A message sent to Author Connect: "Low keyfob battery" when you get authorized via a keyfob
Previously, this message was displayed only with the standard service indication on the dashboard upon successful authorization. Now, if the COMPASS GSM module is installed alongside with IGLA, Author Connect (V1.17.0 or higher) will say "Low keyfob battery" if it detects a low charge.

9. A test signal to the siren when setting the pulse duration via Author Flasher
With this setting on, a siren test signal will sound, clearly demonstrating compliance with the set value.

10. The Hands-Free feature is compatible with AUTOSTART
If AUTOSTART has the Shut-off feature on while IGLA has Hands-Free on, AUTOSTART will stop working and the central lock will automatically unlock once the owner has approached the car with a keyfob or smartphone.

11. Configurable switching into the Engine Start Inhibit mode
In regions with severe winters and low temperatures, there is a risk that IGLA blocking triggered in the Engine Shut-off mode, which automatically switches into the Engine Start Inhibit mode, may prevent your car from starting at all.
The new setting helps you decide if Engine Shut-off will be followed by Engine Start Inhibit or not.

12. A better compatibility of the Anti-carjacking mode with the standard Start-Stop feature
The Anti-carjacking logic used to take into account the Running Engine status only — if it was shut off via the Start-Stop system, the feature was not triggered.
We have improved it, so the mode can be activated from the time the engine is started until the time when ignition is turned off. Thus, if the engine is shut off via the Start-Stop system, the Anti-carjacking feature will keep working anyway once the driver door is opened.
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